What a difference it makes

The best thing I love about any Casas trip is recognizing the difference it makes for these families. On this particular trip, we had real difficulty with the language barrier between us. There just wasn't enough to make up the difference. But by the end of it, when the keys were handed over, we could sense what type of difference it made despite the barriers.

For these families, the gift of the house means so much. It means freedom from rent and protection. It means their money can be spent on education, clothing, food, or other necessities. And the best part about it, I think, is that with every Casas building you drive past, you see another example of God's faithfulness to these people.

We don't get much in return (a few delicious authentic meals), but we get to trust that God will use this home to declare the gospel to more than just this family. These trips never get old and I love getting to be a part of making an IMPACT with one family at a time.